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The Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania

Written by the right honorable the Lady Mary Wroath

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O deadly rancour to a constant heart,
Frownes, and neglect, my only sauours be:
Sometimes a cold respect is granted me;
But hot flames to those eyes ioy in my smart.
Once yet for Iustice sake weigh my hard part,
In gratefulnesse I should kinde vsage see;
For being tied alone to you els free,
Till by your wrongs now ioynd with heart-broke smart.
A glorious triumph you no doubt shall haue,
To crowne your victory on murders graue,
While falshood beares the armes my life hath won.
I onely for twise seauen yeares loue shall gaine
Change, worse then absence, or death's cruelst paine:
The last yet got, you haue your labour done.