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From darkesome dennes, where cruell Cayne,
And others like do lye:
Whose bloudie blades were bathde in bloud,
Poore caytiue thence come I.
And others like do lye:
Whose bloudie blades were bathde in bloud,
Poore caytiue thence come I.
Where Typhon is his brother slewe,
Osiris in despite:
And where their sister Isis is,
Did him againe requite.
Osiris in despite:
And where their sister Isis is,
Did him againe requite.
Wher Dardanus to rule alone,
His brother made away:
Etheoclus, Polinicus,
At once did others sley.
His brother made away:
Etheoclus, Polinicus,
At once did others sley.
Where Helenus king Priams son:
His brother Theon kilde.
Medea eke in bloudy wyse:
Hir brothers bloud that spilde.
His brother Theon kilde.
Medea eke in bloudy wyse:
Hir brothers bloud that spilde.
Where Tydeus is in hunting shote
His brother through the side
Polytes eke his brothers harte
With sworde that opened wyde.
His brother through the side
Polytes eke his brothers harte
With sworde that opened wyde.
And where as that Cambyses is,
His syster once that slewe.
And Polipontes king that made,
His brother treason rewe.
His syster once that slewe.
And Polipontes king that made,
His brother treason rewe.
And cruell where Odores is,
Which mercy did deny:
To Mithridate his brother deare,
That did for pardon crie.
Which mercy did deny:
To Mithridate his brother deare,
That did for pardon crie.
Eke where Learchus is that did,
His brother sicke destroy:
With poyson deadly hoping so,
To make him selfe a Roy.
His brother sicke destroy:
With poyson deadly hoping so,
To make him selfe a Roy.
And where that wretche Mamertes lyes.
His brothers sonnes that spilte.
And Sisapho tormenting him,
For such an heynous gilte.
His brothers sonnes that spilte.
And Sisapho tormenting him,
For such an heynous gilte.
Where Rhesus and Caduidus are,
with shaftes their brethren slewe,
And Philadelphus Ptolomae,
his brothers death did brewe.
with shaftes their brethren slewe,
And Philadelphus Ptolomae,
his brothers death did brewe.
Where Philopater Ptolomae,
his father made away:
And after that his brother with
his dearist frendes did slay.
his father made away:
And after that his brother with
his dearist frendes did slay.
And where Ardieus tyraunt vile,
his aged father stroyde.
And after that his elder bro-
ther kingdomes to enioyde.
his aged father stroyde.
And after that his elder bro-
ther kingdomes to enioyde.
Where Mithridatus beastly king,
of Pontus feeles anoye:
Which mother his and brother eke,
sixe children did destroye.
of Pontus feeles anoye:
Which mother his and brother eke,
sixe children did destroye.
Where is Antiochus the great,
His brother brought to graue:
That he might onely raigne alone,
and all the kingdome haue.
His brother brought to graue:
That he might onely raigne alone,
and all the kingdome haue.
Where Romulus that Remus slew,
of Romaines first had fall:
Though louing brother first he were,
presumde to scale the wall.
of Romaines first had fall:
Though louing brother first he were,
presumde to scale the wall.
And where Mempricius lewde doth lye,
a Britaine Prince that slue,
His brother Manlius fearing lest,
he were to him vntrue.
a Britaine Prince that slue,
His brother Manlius fearing lest,
he were to him vntrue.
Where Iugurth eke that basterde is,
his brethren brought to graue:
That after them Numidia,
he might for kingdome haue.
his brethren brought to graue:
That after them Numidia,
he might for kingdome haue.
And where a Thousande are beside,
which were to longe to tell:
Their parents deare and brethren slue,
and now in darkenes dwell.
which were to longe to tell:
Their parents deare and brethren slue,
and now in darkenes dwell.
From thence I came a Britaine yore,
namde Porrex once a kinge
Againe: to shewe what vices mee,
To sodaine death did bringe.
namde Porrex once a kinge
Againe: to shewe what vices mee,
To sodaine death did bringe.
Now list a while and then do write,
what I thee tell: that others may,
Themselues in such attempts as these,
from bloudy acts, as brethren stay.
what I thee tell: that others may,
Themselues in such attempts as these,
from bloudy acts, as brethren stay.
My brother Forrex fiue yeares space,
and I this kingdome helde:
Betweene vs both the common weale,
wee scace did wisely welde.
and I this kingdome helde:
Betweene vs both the common weale,
wee scace did wisely welde.
At length we fondly fell at strife,
so Princes bide no mate,
Nor make, nor partners, with to raigne
but beare their equals hate.
so Princes bide no mate,
Nor make, nor partners, with to raigne
but beare their equals hate.
The heire because I yongest was,
thought his by right the crowne:
But I esteemde the halfe was mine,
and all if he were downe.
thought his by right the crowne:
But I esteemde the halfe was mine,
and all if he were downe.
Whereby O brothell, butcher eke,
not brother I did slay:
My brother for to haue it all,
and get his right away.
not brother I did slay:
My brother for to haue it all,
and get his right away.
Such are the acts of heedelesse youthes,
Such are their studies still:
Which care not what offence they make,
So they their fancies fill.
Such are their studies still:
Which care not what offence they make,
So they their fancies fill.
But as it is vniustice, and
an haynous acte to vse:
Such murder, slaughter, paricide
and Iustice all refuse.
an haynous acte to vse:
Such murder, slaughter, paricide
and Iustice all refuse.
So Ioue the iust at length requites,
our deedes: and makes vs rewe,
Wee euer were, to God, or man
or natures hestes vntrue.
our deedes: and makes vs rewe,
Wee euer were, to God, or man
or natures hestes vntrue.
For when I deemde the crowne was mine:
which had my brother slaine.
O griefe to tell my mother, and
hir maydens wrought my paine.
which had my brother slaine.
O griefe to tell my mother, and
hir maydens wrought my paine.
Both for my fault, and for she loude,
my brother Forrex still:
With all hir maides she came by night,
my sleeping corps to kill.
my brother Forrex still:
With all hir maides she came by night,
my sleeping corps to kill.
And I that slombring sleeping lay,
though many dreames fortolde,
My haplesse fall: could neuer wake,
the meaning to vnfolde.
though many dreames fortolde,
My haplesse fall: could neuer wake,
the meaning to vnfolde.
But last supposing with my selfe,
I cruel Tigres sawe,
With rauening fearcenes, rent theyr yong:
against dame Natures lawe.
I cruel Tigres sawe,
With rauening fearcenes, rent theyr yong:
against dame Natures lawe.
She came on mee to fill my dreame,
before my eyes could wake,
And with a dagger reft my life:
for Forrex slaughters sake.
before my eyes could wake,
And with a dagger reft my life:
for Forrex slaughters sake.
Much like Agaue and hir mates,
shee and hir maidens got:
Them tooles therefore, and hewde my corse,
as small as fleshe to pot.
shee and hir maidens got:
Them tooles therefore, and hewde my corse,
as small as fleshe to pot.
Or Progne Queene hir children slue,
and hewde their membres small:
In wrathfull ire made Tereus feede,
and fill himselfe withall.
and hewde their membres small:
In wrathfull ire made Tereus feede,
and fill himselfe withall.
Or like Medea monster Queene,
hir Iasons sonnes that kilde:
Because she was forsaken when,
his purpose was fulfilde.
hir Iasons sonnes that kilde:
Because she was forsaken when,
his purpose was fulfilde.
Like these was shee nay worse for why,
this ended Brutus line:
Brought mee to ende and hir to shame,
Though first the fault were mine.
this ended Brutus line:
Brought mee to ende and hir to shame,
Though first the fault were mine.
Bid those beware that weene to winne,
by bloudy acts the crowne:
Lest from the height they feele the fall,
of topsy turuye downe.
by bloudy acts the crowne:
Lest from the height they feele the fall,
of topsy turuye downe.
For if when they suppose themselues,
aloft to touche the skye,
There chaunce a storme there is no holde,
to staye themselues so hye.
aloft to touche the skye,
There chaunce a storme there is no holde,
to staye themselues so hye.
But faster farre, more swiftly they,
and with more swinge descende:
Then euer erst they could with all,
their force to clime contende:
Do bid them then in all their deedes,
marke well the fineall ende.
and with more swinge descende:
Then euer erst they could with all,
their force to clime contende:
Do bid them then in all their deedes,
marke well the fineall ende.
![]() | Parts added to The mirror for magistrates | ![]() |