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Il pastor fido

or The faithfull Shepheard

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ACTVS. 5 SCE. 3.

Chorus of Shepheards, Chorus of Priestes, Montanus, Mirtillo.
Chorus of Shep.
Oh daughter of great Joue, sister of Phebus bright,
Thou second Titan, to the blinder world that giuest light

Cho. Pri.
Thou that with thy well temper'd vitall ray,
Thy brothers wondrous heate doth well allay,
Which mak'st sweete Nature happely bring foorth
Rich firtile birthes of Hearbes, of Beastes, of Men:
As thou his heate dost quench, so calme thine ire
That sets Arcadiaes wretched hartes on fire.

Cho. Sh.
O daughter of great Ioue. &c.

Yea sacred Priestes, the Aulters ready make,
Shepheardes deuout, reiterate your soundes,
And call vpon the name of our great Goddesse.

Cho. Sh.
O daughter of great Ioue. &c.

Now Shepheards stand aside, nor you my seruants
Come not neare, except I call for you.
Valiant young man that to giue life els where,
Abandonest thine owne, die comforted thus farre:
T'is but a speedie sigh, which you must passe;
For so seemes death to noble minded sprightes,
That once perform'd, this enuious age,
With thousandes of her yeeres shall not deface
The memorie of such a gentle deed:

But thou shalt liue the example of true fayth,
But for the Law commaundes thee sacrifiz'd,
To dye without a word: Before thou kneelst,
If thou hast ought to say, say it, and hold thy peace
For euer after that.

Father, let it be lawfull that I call thee so,
For though thou gau'st not, yet thou tak'st my life:
My bodie to the ground I do bequeath, my soule
To her that is my life: But if she die,
As she hath threatned to do; aye mee,
What part of me shall then remaine aliue,
Oh death were sweete, if but my mortall parts
Might die, and that my soule did not desire the same:
But if his pittie ought deserues that dyes,
For soueraigne pittie then courteous father,
Prouide she do not die; and with that hope
More comforted, Ile pay my destenies,
Though with my death you me from her disioyne,
Yet make her liue, that she may me retaine.

Scarse I containe from teares: ô frayle mankind!
Be of good cheare my sonne, I promise thy desire,
I sweare it by this head, this hand take thou for pledge.

Then comforted, I die all comforted:
To thee my Amarillis do I come,
Soule of the faythfull Shepheard, as thine owne
Do thou receiue, for in thy loued name
My wordes and life I will determine straight:
So now to death I kneele, and hold my peace.

On sacred Ministers, kindle the flame
With Frankensence and Mirrhe, and Incense throw thereon
That the thicke vapoure may on high ascend.

Cho. Sh.
O daughter of great Ioue. &c.