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The Golden Fleece

Divided into three Parts, Under Which are discouered the Errours of Religion, the Vices and Decayes of the Kingdome, and lastly the wayes to get wealth, and to restore Trading so much complayned of. Transported from Cambrioll Colchos, out of the Southermost Part of the Iland, commonly called the Newfoundland, By Orpheus Iunior [i.e.William Vaughan], For the generall and perpetuall Good of Great Britaine

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[Beware of Physicke mixt by Romish brood]

Beware of Physicke mixt by Romish brood,
Whom Mariane taught to let great Princes bloud.
By Lopez learne by poyson hir'd to kill,
What mind those haue a Christians bloud to spill.
Tobacco, late which men haue brought frō Spain,
Is thought to taint the bloud, heart, lungs, & brain.
The Iesuits this teach, as a point of merit,
To murther some, and Heauen to inherit.
Lust creepes and Theft by opportunitie.
Then cheere not Æsops Snake with iollitie.