University of Virginia Library

Sonetto. 11.

[When chirping byrds did chaunt their musickes layes]

When chirping byrds did chaunt their musickes layes,
For to salute Dame Flora with her traine,
And vesta cloth'd with chaung of fresh arayes,
For to adorn Hopes happie entertayne:
Then sweetest Briere that shylded our repose,
Sent odours sweete, from her fresh hanging bowes,
And Philomel oft-changed notes did close,
Which did accorde eu'n with our hallow'd vowes.
But then; ah then, our discontent began,
A barking Dog step'd foorth with scolding rage,
And Musick chang'd to notes of singing Swanne,
That March wee must with swiftest Equipage.
Loose not sweete bird thy voice, nor brier thy sēt.
Wee'le meete againe when fortunes frownes be spent.