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A gorgious Gallery, of gallant Inuentions

Garnished and decked with diuers dayntie deuises, right delicate and delightfull, to recreate eche modest minde withall. First framed and fashioned in sundrie formes, by diuers worthy workemen of late dayes: and now, ioyned together and builded up: By T. P. [i.e. Thomas Procter]

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The Louer in the prayse of his beloued and comparison of her beauty.

Not shee for whom prowde Troy did fall and burne,
The Greekes eke slaine, that bluddy race did runne:
Nor shee for spight that did Acteon turne,
Into an Hart her beauty coye did shunne:
Nor shee whose blud vpon Achilles Tombe,
Whose face would tame a Tygars harte:
Nor shee that wan by wise of Paris dome.
Th' apple of Golde for Beauty to her parte:
Nor shee whose eyes did pearce true Troylus brest,
And made him yeeld, that knew in loue no law,
Might bee compared to the fayrest and the best,
Whom Nature made to keepe the rest in awe:
For Beauties sake, sent downe from Ioue aboue,
Thrise happy is hee, that can attayne her loue.