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Otia Sacra Optima Fides

[by Mildmay Fane]

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In Quadragesimam.
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In Quadragesimam.

When all the Dayes w'have borrowed are mis-spent,
Had we not need to beg more time were Lent;
And not to suffer This too, to be gon,
Because abus'd through superstition?
A knife to cut with's good, but if to kill
It be abus'd, why then we deem it ill.
All things are made for use; Abuses came
But as Usurpers to deprave the same:
And in some kinde or other all we do,
Speak, think, or have, those have their morals too.
Our Pampred Bodies oft such thoughts put on,
That they become like to proud Iessuron:
And when our minds from full Cups are exprest,
They're like to Baltashazzer's at His Feast:
Our Actions too, laden with Temporall good,
Cannot permit t'aspire at Spirituall food;
But over-fed, we surfet, and becom
Like to the Beast in all things, save being dumb:
Tongue-tide we are not, when we would express
Our Enmity, from th' root of Bitterness:
Nor yet uncharitable, unless in this,
To judge that those who hunger doe amiss,
And such as thirst too, whilst our Cups run o're,
And Bellies are made Magazines of store.
It should be otherwayes, if we would shun
The heavie doom of sad Temptation;
And as the Meat and Drink of Faith, prepare
A Holy-Fasting-sanctifying Prayer,
Cook'd from our Corner'd hearts, and not the streets,
A Sacrifice Incens't with Love for sweets.
And thus performing what is Lent aright,
We'l fear no Schismatick, nor Anchorite.