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And there are numerous Indian tribes
Whose chieftain's will, allured by bribes,
Or influenced by the liquid fire,
Yield up their titles and retire.
Again, the white man will advance
And drive the trembling Indian thence,
And leave for him no resting place,
Or home for his fast-fading race.
At length his savage wrath will burn,
And on the foe he'll fiercely turn,
And, in the hour of wild despair,
Will everlasting vengeance swear,


To those who have his country spoiled,
And tracked him o'er the forest wild.
Then will the fierce warwhoop arise,
As on the hateful foe he flies,
A few will welter at his feet
And then his work will be complete.
The pale face, with an honest grace,
Will then exterminate his race,
And soon before the white man's ire
The wretched tribes will all expire.