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When life is young

a collection of verse for boys and girls

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I knew a little girl,—
You? Oh, no,—
Who came to live on earth,
Just to grow;
Just to grow up big
Like Mama,
“Big as any lady,”
Said Papa;
Not to stay a baby
As she came;—
Yet each morning found her
Quite the same.
Quite the same, they said,
Not a change
Since she went to bed—
Ah, how strange!
Baby Nell at night,
Baby Nell at dawn,


Everything the same,
Not a dimple gone.
They saw her every hour,
So you'll own,
If a change had come,
They 'd have known.
Yet the clothes grew small—
Sleeves and frocks;
She could n't wear her bibs,
Nor her socks.


Soon she stood alone
Yes, indeed! and walked!
Then she toddled round;—
Then she talked!
Then she tried to help,
All she could;
Busy little mite,
Kind and good!
Well, as years went on,—
Seven, maybe,—
Not a soul could call
Nell a baby.


Still Mama declared,
Every minute
She had been the same—
What was in it?
She saw her all the time,
So you'll own,
If a change had happened
She 'd have known.
Baby Nell herself,
Though uncommon wise,
Ne'er had seen an inch
Added to her size.
Even Pomp, the dog,
Never seemed to say:
“Nell is not the same
Now as yesterday.”
Yet, as I have said,
Clothes kept growing small,
Tight at first, and then
Would n't do at all.
Even Nelly's toys,
Skipping-rope and hoop,
Once quite big enough,
Now would make her stoop.
Why, her very crib
Seemed to shrink away,
Till it cramped the child
Any way she lay.


So, from hour to hour,
Not a person knew,
Looking straight at Nell,
That she ever grew.
Little baby Nell,
On the nurse's knee,
Little Nell at school
Learning A B C.
Then—ah, it was quick!
Came the reading class;
Then arithmetic,—
Clever little lass!


How did it happen?
When did she change?
No one had noticed—
Was n't it strange!