University of Virginia Library



[NOVEMBER, 1864.]

Go down into the ballot-box—from no unconscious hand—
And, rising on the morrow morn, ring out through all the Land!
Go down into the ballot-box, my single vote, tonight:
Ring with a myriad, single-voiced, abroad in morning light!
Go down into the ballot-box, a righteous vote and true—
No patriot's blood shall wasted seem, no bondman's dream, for you!


Go down into the ballot-box, unheard, unfelt, unknown:
You shall be heard and felt and seen—the Day for you'll be shown!
If all the morn I held you fast, in silence and apart,
It matters not, O vote, you know I kept you in my heart!
Go down into the ballot-box—for Right at any cost;
And, what though last?—the polls are closed—thank God, you are not lost!