University of Virginia Library




The gleam that lies
In Fannie's eyes,
And vainly tries to hide its glow,
Has scarce to me
More witchery
Than that within my chalice now.
The bubbles rise and wink like eyes,
Like woman's eyes divinely glow!


Come let me press thy ruby lips,
My Goblet! lips of wine!
Glide through my soul and flood my brain
With images divine!


Who would not kiss
A lip like this
Since every kiss a care dispels?
Each sweeter far
Than dew-drops are,
Or honey in the lily-bells.


Mythology! By heaven there is
No heathen god but one!
My vine-browed Bacchus, purple-mouthed!
Astride his royal tun!
I am to-night
His proselyte,
And wrong or right I'll crown him king;
And I will quaff
A song, a laugh
From each fresh bowl our Hebes bring.


When dark-eyed Grief would fill my eyes
With tears unto the brim,
The Lethe of my woe I find
Beneath this goblet's rim.


O! who would wear
A brow of care
When we can share a cup like this?
What eye should grow
Down-cast with woe
When wine can pack a heart with bliss?


Fate knows when we may meet again,
My merrie friends and true;
Then let's dissolve our souls in Hock,
As clouds dissolve in dew.
Come, let us press those ruby lips,
Our goblet's lips of wine!
And flood our souls and throng our brains
With images divine!
Who would not kiss
A lip like this
Since every kiss a care dispels?
Each sweeter far
Than dew-drops are
Or honey in the lily-bells!