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Rampant Chauvinism
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Rampant Chauvinism

Dear Sir:

Your recent (CD, April 30)
descriptions of the woman who
is seeking the office of Va.'s
Lieutenant Governor
demonstrated again the
University's rampant

Perhaps the description of
the candidate as
"grandmotherly" was not
inappropriate, although I've
yet to see you describe Lt.
Gov. Howell, 50-ish and
gray-haired as "grandfatherly."

However, your decision
that she seeks one of Va.'s
highest elected officer in order
to find "happiness and
fulfillment" was a
condescending pat on the head
to all women who attempt to
lead socially meaningful lives.

I doubt that you would so
patronizingly describe the
political aspirations of Mills
Godwin – or Richard Nixon –
or any other man.

Your incredible editorial
condemning the ERA and your
frivolous approach to this
woman's candidacy combine
to clearly advertise the sexism
of the CD staff, if not the
entire University.

Joyce White
Grad. Nursing
("Grandmotherly," Ms.
White, hardly misrepresents a
lady who, aside from being in
fact a grandmother, has
described herself as "just a
little old lady" whom
"everybody loves."
Furthermore, "happiness and
fulfillment" through "socially
meaningful lives" would, we
hope, be the goal of every
prospective public
servant–Henry Howell