University of Virginia Library


TO: Dr. Houston A. Baker, Jr.
Associate English Professor

Dear Dr. Baker:

In regard to your letter of
February 26 in the Cavalier

I would like to apologize
for the treatment your wife
was given at the Kiddy Corner
Day Nursery Center but I
really don't feel there is any
need for that.

Why is it that you have
fought for recognition and
worked your way up to the
position you are in, but
through this education and
fight you have not gained the
knowledge that all white
people do not have these
beliefs? Why condemn all
whites for the ignorance of a
few? All people will learn in
time what many already know.
What it takes is understanding
not pre-judgment.

I was brought up in an
anti-black home and held my
beliefs that people are people
no matter what color. As long
as I can remember, I have had
more really close friends that
were black rather than white.
In having black friends I have
totally accepted them as
people like myself and I have
also learned from them that
they themselves will not let me
forget they are black.

Why can't we as people
unite to open the eyes of
others rather than separating
ourselves in this effort?

I say "Black is Beautiful"
but why degrade the color
white when this can be
changed with your help and

Nancy Hancock