University of Virginia Library


The Red & The White,
(Wilson Hall; 4:30, 7, & 9 p.m.;
series pass). Directed by
Jansco. "...a series of small
incidents in the civil war
between Bolshevik and
counter-revolutionary forces in
Russia in 1918...As with
Eisenstein, there are few
characters, in the traditional
sense of the word. Or rather
there is only one character, a
collective one: a people at war
among themselves... What one
carries away from the film is
not a story as such, but rather
a collection of sequences that
are burned, perhaps forever,
into one's consciousness
hundreds of Red prisoners
crowded into a narrow street in
a fortress-like monastery and
given a sporting 15-minute
head start before their captors
begin rounding them up like
wild animals; a group of
retreating soldiers panicked by
the appearance of that novel
engine of destruction, a
strafing airplane; the nurses
from a hospital conducted into
a birch wood, given ball gowns
and asked to dance for a group
of officers in a poignant scene
suffused with a strange
tension." –Richard Schickel,
in Life.

The Man, (Cinema; 2,4,6,8,
& 10 p.m.; $2). From the novel
by Irving Wallace.