University of Virginia Library


Lost-Orange Motorcycle helmet
with checkered stripe plus white
turtleneck sweater. Reward offered.

Reserve Openings, 6 month
delay-five months active duty, 5
years meeting, Greg English

Lost-Cameo ring. Reward. Contact
221, Lile or call 295-3045.

Repel attackers! Be safe with
protective self defense spray. Fits
in palm of hand 295-5942.

Need cash? Run your own business
part-time. No door to door selling
required. For interview call
295-5708 after 6:30 PM.

Flamenco Guitar Lessons available,
295-7539 9:30-11:00 pm.

Lost: watch (without watchband)
Lost Thursday night 301 Wilson
Hall. Call Coley Hoffman 295-1524
or 296-1725.

Art Classes La Fourche Studio
Non-Credit but expert teachers
limited enrollment assures
individual attention. Drawing
Tuesday nights or 10-12 Saturdays;
Sculpture Monday nights or 1-3
Saturdays; oil and watercolor 10-12
Saturdays or Mondays any 2 hours
3-6. Shirley Hammond, Studio
Director B.A., M.A. Former
assistant Professor art, University
Iowa. 293-3863.