University of Virginia Library


Returning Virginia Mayday
participants have called a 2 p.m.
meeting in Visitors' Lounge to plan
further strategies. Important that
Coalition members attend.

2nd year students who had com. of
3.5 after 2nd Sem. of 1st year, but
are NOT members of Phi Eta Sigma
Honor Society — Meeting of PES at
7:30 p.m. N.H. Ballroom.

Guide Service Supertours — Mon.11
a.m. Tues. 2 p.m. Wed. 4:15 p.m.
Mandatory for all probationary

Dr. Wellachew, NRAO Aud. 1
Edgemont Rd., 4 p.m., "OH and HI
Absorption in Messier 82 (NGC

Spring Concert, Conductor — Joel
Lazar with concert band at 8:30
p.m. Cabell Hall FREE!