University of Virginia Library



IEEE - Tuesday, Feb. 16 at 7:30
P.M. in AM126. Speaking will be
Dr. Allan Greenwood of GE on
"Research Opportunities in the
Electric Power Industry." All

Student Council meeting at 7 P.M.
Honor Comm. Rm. N.H. Open to
all. Folk Dancing 4A of N.H.
Instruction for Beginners at 8 P.M.

Impt. Sailing Assoc. Meet at 7 P.M.
in N.H. 4B Bring Dues.

Class Day Comm., Class of '71 meet
at 7:30 in rd floor Conf. Rm. of

On Feb. 16th Prof. Frederick
Richardson "The Social Behavior of
Monkeys and Apes" - Baboon
Oligarchies and the Rearing of
Young at 4:00 P.M. in Campbell
Hall Aud. — Classroom 108 - Open
to Public.

Pi Lambda Phi invites all to a rush
smoker at 8 P.M. - 004 Rugby Rd.


Anyone interested in Sailing
Instruction - 1st class at 7:30 P.M.
in N.H. 4A

IFC - Vote on Constitution -
meeting for all reps. in So. Meeting
Rm. at 7:30 P.M.

U.U.S. Book and Record Exchange
closes Wed. at 5 P.M. Please come
in to collect your $.

Society of Architectural Historians
Meeting, lecture by James Sibley
Jennings on "Restoration,
Preservation and Popular
Economics in the State of
Georgia," 7:30 PM, room 160, new
Architecture School. All interested


Zeta Tau Alpha social sorority
announces initiation of: Jana
Burns, Jean Burns, Sandy Gasper,
Nancy Jokinen, Bette Martin,
Khy Provost. Carolyn Swanson.

FREE — The Computer-Science
Center will offer a non-credit
course in FORTRAN IV computer
programming in six sessions from
7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Tuesday and
Thursday evenings February 18th
through March 9th, 1971, in
AM126, the auditorium of the
Aero-Mechanical Engineering

Course forms for Experimental
University - available at N.11., 2nd
floor Return forms by Friday, Feb.
19 either to Newcomb Hall or to
120 Chancellor Street.

Tryouts for Genet's The Balcony
Feb. 15-16, 7:30 P.M. Room 2,
Minor Hall. Women with Dance
experience especially needed.