University of Virginia Library



THE LAST of the Restoration
Ball tickets on sale today and
Monday for $30 for patrons and
$15 per couple for regular admission.
On sale in Rotunda.

TWO OF THE BEST of psychedelic
films "Lipis" and "7362"
will be shown at 7:30 in Aero-mechanical
.Aud. (E-school). All

VA. GUERRILLA Players presents
"Wow, the Coalition strikes
again!" or "What this University
needs is a good five-cent, gentlemanly
revolution" at noon on the
lawn. Also a public demonstration
of the Theatre of Life, McCormick
and Alderman Rd. Dorms. Times is
1 p.m., everyone invited.

LAW SCHOOL Young Republicans:
meeting to nominate officers
for next year at 7:30 p.m. in room
C of Law School on Friday.
Election of officers will take place
at same time and place on May 7.
All members urged to attend both

VA. CHRISTIAN Fellowship
invites you to its weekly meeting at
7:30 in Madison Hall. Dr. J. Turner
of South Hill will speak on "The
Abundant Life."

A PROBLEM based on Dr.
Spock — Rev. Coffin Selective
Service protest will be argued in
Lile Moot Court Finals at 8:30 p.m.
in Cabell Hall Aud.

PETER GAY, Professor of
history at Columbia, will speak on
"Progress in the Enlightenment:
Legends and Realities" at 2 p.m. in
South Meeting Room, Newcomb
Hall. Sponsored by Dept. of History.


RESTORATION Ball interior
decorations comm., and all interested
members of Jeff. Society and
U. Guides please be in Rotunda at 2
p.m. to begin decorations. Please be
in Rotunda each afternoon if

is sponsoring a Vigil at Main Post
Office on Market St. from 5-6 p.m.
Protest of the implementation of
ABM and the continuation of
Vietnam war.

ARNOLD AIR society meeting
at 7:30 p.m. in room B29 Rouss

by D. Larson at 8 p.m. in room
204 in Physics Dept.


HIGH POINT track meeting
schedules posted in fraternity mailboxes.

TWO WORKSHOP productions
"The Nine O'Clock Mail" by
Howard Sackler and "Here be
Dragons" by David Ward, will be
presented at Minor Hall on Sunday,
May 3. Students and dates free. All
others sixty cents. Curtain time is 3

"L'AVENTURA" directed by
Antonloni at 7 and 9:30 p.m. in
Newcomb Hall ballroom. Sunday.
Fifty cents.

KAPPA DELTA PI spring initiation
and banquet Saturday, May
3 in Newcomb Hall. Initiation of
new members, 5:30 p.m. Banquet
and installation of new officers,
6:40 p.m. Guest speaker, Mrs.
Helen Hill, assistant supervisor,
Special Education, State Department
of Education. For reservations
contact Maryanna Henderson,
Buford Jr. High School, Cherry
Ave. $4 per person.

INDIA Assoc. of U.Va. is
presenting a movie, "Night in
London," May 3 at 7 p.m., Gilmer
Hall Aud. $1.50 admission.

ECONOMICS comprehensives
given Saturday, May 3, 9-12, Wilson
Hall 301.

GRADUATE Arts and Sciences
elections will be May 13 and 14.
Candidates must submit a petition
(signed by 25 GAS students) no
later than 8 p.m. Monday, May 5. A
mandatory meeting of all candidates
will be held in the Student
Government offices at that time.
Offices open: GAS president, vp
and secretary; two 2-semester and
one 1-semester Student Council

B. Minor Pre-Legal Society are
available at Cabell 401 and Newcomb
Hall Info. Desk. Minimum
2.75 GPA required. Return applications
to F. O. Blechman, 35 W.

JEFFERSON Society membership
interviews Monday, April
28-Friday, May 2, 2-5 and 7-9 in
Jefferson Hall, West Range.

VA. ALPHA of Phi Kappa Psi is
pleased to announce the pledging of
N. Ridgely Beale of Glen Cove, N.

Grinnell Corp. of Columbia, Pa. has
a large number of full-time summer
opportunities for its iron fittings
plant. Contact the Office of Placement
for details.

DEGREE candidates: Job Corps
center for women in Charleston,
W.Va. has a number of openings for
teachers in numerous academic
areas. Certification not always
necessary. Counselors with M.Ed.
needed. Contact Office of Placement
for more information.

FACULTY CAP and gown
rental orders for June graduation
will be accepted until 5 p.m. on
Monday May 19 in the Director's
Office, Newcomb Hall. Faculty
members who wish to rent academic
regalia are urged to place their
orders by that date.

JAMES FARMER, asst. Secretary
of Health, Education, and
Welfare and former national
director of CORE will speak on
"The Black Man in Politics" Sunday
at 7:30 p.m. at Court Street
Baptist Church, Lynchburg, Va.
Admission free and public invited.