University of Virginia Library



SKULL AND KEYS meeting at
8 p.m. in Wilson Hall Aud. to
nominate candidates for Student
Council and Judiciary Comm.

8 p.m. in New Chem. Bldg. Aud. to
nominate candidates for Student
Council and Judiciary Comm.

club meeting at 7 p.m., room 4A,
Newcomb Hall.

MEETING of the newly elected
U. Union Program Board at 7:15 in
Conference Room of Newcomb
Hall. All please attend.

THETA TAU meeting brothers
and pledges in A120 at 7:15 p.m.
Very important, campaign to be

critic and scholar of French
literature, will deliver a lecture
today. His talk, entitled
"Chateaubriand and Andre
Malraux: A juxtaposition of the
'Memoirs' and the 'Anti-Memoirs,'
" will begin at 8:15 tonight in the
McGregor Room of Alderman Library.
It will be in French.


be here this week.

ANY GIRL who has been
denied admission to the University
on the basis of discrimination by
sex, please contact Gerald McFarren,

Southern History meeting Thursday
at 4:30 in CH544 (not Tuesday).
Southern Populism will be discussed.
New participants welcome.

ALL RISING third-year College
students should submit as quickly
as possible their declaration of
major or inform the office of the
Dean of College of their intentions
to transfer next year. The deadline
for these declarations of majors is
May 1.

IFC Community Service Comm.
meeting at 3 p.m. Wednesday in
IFC office. Everyone who signed up
and any interested persons please

RIDING Club: All those interested
in riding this week, please sign
up at Newcomb Hall information
desk. All details there.

SHOOT DOWN ABM. Organizational
meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m.
in South Meeting Room, Newcomb

ECONOMICS Comprehensives
given Saturday, May 3 9-12 in
Wilson Hall 301.

BAD CHECK Comm. meeting at
8 p.m. Thursday in Honor Comm.

INDIA Assoc. of U.Va. is
presenting Indian movie "Night in
London" May 3 at 7 p.m. Gilmer
Hall Aud. $1.50 admission.

KAPPA DELTA PI Spring Initiation
and Banquet Saturday, May
3 Newcomb Hall. Initiation of new
members 5:30 p.m. Banquet and
installation of new officers 6:30
p.m. Guest speaker Mrs. Holen Hill,
Assistant Supervisor, Special Education,
Virginia State Department of
Education. For reservations contact
Maryanna Henderson Buford Junior
High School, Cherry Avenue, Charlottesville.
$4.00 per person.

THE ALPHA KAPPA chapter of
Alpha Chi Sigma fraternity is proud
to announce the initiation of:
David Caliga, Texas; Thomas Craven,
Arlington; Gary Graham,
Hampton; Larry Lawwill, Falls
Church; Peter Lert, South Carolina;
Doug LeVan, Delaware; John Lichtenberger,
Richmond; Alvin McNeilly,
Texas; Paul Olsen, New
York; Stephen Walker, Tennessee.

GRADUATE Arts and Sciences
elections will be May 13 and 14.
Candidates must submit a petition
(signed by 25 GAS students) no
later than 8 p.m. Monday, May 5. A
mandatory meeting of all candidates
will be held in the Student
Council offices at that time. Offices
open: GAS President, VP and
Secretary, two 2-semester and one
1-semester Student Council positions.

JEFFERSON Society probationaries
Monday, April 28-Friday,
May 2, 2-5 and 7-9 in Jefferson

B. Minor Pre-Legal Society are
available at Cabell 401 or at Main
Desk, NH. Minimum 2.75 GPA
required. Return application to F.
O. Blechman, 35 W. Lawn.

ANY STUDENT having complaints
or suggestions concerning
the food service, please contact
Tony Sherman, 295-1277, 307
Kent House, ext. 3085.

ALL ENTRIES in the Academy
of American Poets award must be
signed and turned in to the English
Department office, 530 Cabell Hall,
in a single envelope by May 1.
There is no restriction on form or
word length or the individual
poems, but students are requested
not to submit more than six poems.
A prize of $100 for the best poem
or group of poems submitted by
University student is being offered.

COLLEGE elections to fill 2
Judiciary Comm. and 5 Student
Council positions will be May 13
and 14. Petitions (signed by 25
College students) must be turned in
by 3 p.m., May 1. A mandatory
meeting of all candidates will be
held at that time in the Student
Council offices.