University of Virginia Library


DRAFT Counselling 3rd floor
conference room, Newcomb Hall,
from 12-2, 5-7. Call 296-7208.

MODERN Rap classes meeting,
CH 316 at 8 p.m., together. Bring a
record to rap about.

MEETING Alderman Judaical
Council at 8 p.m., Webb Conference

NOTICE to Jefferson Society
members: today at 3 p.m. will be
the absolute deadline for signing up
for the Banquet Sunday.

OUTING Club presents the film
"Discovering Hawaii" at 7:30 in
room 4B, Newcomb Hall. Admission

M. G. Paulsen, Dean of the
School of Law, will address the
John B. Minor Society on "The
Revolution in Judaical Procedure"
in an open meeting beginning at 8
p.m. An important constitutional
revision meeting for society members
will begin at 7:30 p.m.