![]() | The Cavalier daily. Friday, February 14, 1969 | ![]() |
VW 69 automatic, 1,300 miles.
Call 296-4413 8-10 a.m.
Golf clubs to sell, skeleton plus
wedge, leather bag. Only used three
times. Call Jack after 5, 296-2340.
65 Mustang hardtop, 6 cylinder,
good condition. Best offer above
$1,000, 823-5032, 9-6 p.m.
Colonial Inkwell in Gleaming
Pewter plus two hard cut quill pens
gift-boxes, $7.50. Also pens available
separately in Jefferson gift-boxes,
$1.00 a matched pair. Lewis
Glaser quillmaker, 109 2nd Street,
S.E. downtown. Call 293-8531.
1961 Ford Galaxie, 2 door V08,
automatic transmission. Power
steering, radio, air conditioner,
snow tires. 295-2596 after 5.
Mercedes Benz 190SL, both
tops. Excellent condition. 90%
restored. Call 296-1348 after 4 p.m.
1960 Volvo PU544, $200 or
best offer. 295-3423.
14,000 BTU 220 volt air-conditioner,
like new. $180. Call
293-8569 after 5.
Two VW whitewall tires, excellent
condition, $35. 293-8569 after
59 Pontiac, runs great, just had
all engine work done. Perfect for
road trips. $250, Bob 296-8990.
Fender Jazzmaster guitar, Proreverb
amp. Shure microphone - like
new trumpet - like old - Bob
Zider 293-2990.
1956 MG-A. White, 3,000 miles
on rebuilt engine, good tires. Call
Fireplace wood. Kindling.
Cherry Ave. Gulf. Call 293-5905
for delivery.
1969 Class ring: BS, blue zircon,
size 8, $30. Used furniture in good
condition. Call 293-6618.
Guitar amplifier - Baldwin
Exterminator - 250 watts. Slithy
Toves fired me, need cash, $250.
Chet Blakistone 293-3386.
1960 Alfa Romeo Giulletta -
Excellent Condition, over $500
invested in new parts and accessories.
Sacrifice $1150 or best
offer. Contact Brew Moseley c/o
Cavalier Daily or 293-5496.
Corvair Convertible 1965, Gray,
new tires, radio, heater, super deal,
$760. Call Bob Zider 293-2990.
Buick 1968 Wildcat convertible,
all extras including air conditioning
and snow tires. 7 months old.
Beautiful condition. Cash or assume
payments. 295-1623 after 5:30 or
all day Saturday and Sunday.
Antiques privately owned
limited selection. Call for appointment
between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.,
$50 reward to anyone acting as
a substitute for a tenant in the
Alderman Road Dorms. Call
295-5340 and leave name and
phone number.
Wanted to buy: SOCIOLOGY
book. "The Sociology of Social
Problems," by Horton and Leslie.
Call 293-5430 after 5 p.m.
Roommate wanted: Private
room, double bed, 2 miles out of
town. Call 293-3131 after 5.
Programmer - IBM, 360 model
20 or 30. RPG and BAL. Part-time
or full-time. Call Donald Capron at
Computer Utility Service Corp.,
2421 Ivy Road, 295-3121.
Summer Camp Counselor Openings:
Wanted College Students (men and women) for camp counselors
for "Coastal Boys and Girls camps"
June 15-Aug. 23. Excellent character
references and ability to
instruct in camp program (sailing,
motor boating, aquatics, land
sports) required. Good salary according
to age, experience, and
college classification. Apply to
Wyatt Taylor, Camp Sea Gull.
Seafarer, P.O. Box 10976, Raleigh,
N.C. 27605.
Gold link bracelet with St.
Christopher medal, University Hall
area, Saturday night, Feb. 8.
Feward. 924-2043 or 296-4822
after 6.
Cream colored trench coat, wool
lining. Label Ohrbach's, taken from
University Cafeteria Feb. 7. Please
return coat and contents of pockets
to Cafeteria or to Security.
Attention: Be it known to all
aspiring males, young and old, that
in 1969 February 14 at 7 p.m. in
University Chapel Miss Sharon
Lynn Braun will become the wife
of Hope Strong III. Tough luck
Photographs for Graduate
School Application, ROTC, etc.
One day service. Negatives kept on
file for future use. We send them to
you. Gitchell's Studio, 521 E. Mail.
Phone 296-7558.
Spring vacation in Nassau on the
Bahama Star. $85 includes all meals
room, etc. Call Arnold Rogers
Europe - three weeks guided
tour of seven countries for college
students. Leave N.Y. July 6. $747
complete. Call Arnold Rogers
Counselor Applicants: 2″ × 2½″
photographs by Cavalier Daily
photographer. Call Rich 296-1937,
8 p.m.-9 p.m. Tuesday through
All those who advertise in this
column have signed a statement
that the facilities advertised are
ones in which any responsible
student of the University will be
allowed to reside, regardless of race,
color, or national origin.
600 Brandon Apartments announces
a new high rise apartment
building on Brandon Ave. There
will be 1-bedroom units, 1-bedroom
units with den or nursery, 2
bedroom-1 bath units, 2 bedroom-2
bath units with den. From $125 per
month including all utilities. Furnished
or not. Five minute walk
from Cabell Hall. No parking
problem. Year round solarium and
party room on roof. Recreation
room with pool tables. $50 will
hold your apartment for
September. No phone information.
Office at 600 Brandon.
![]() | The Cavalier daily. Friday, February 14, 1969 | ![]() |