University of Virginia Library



meeting at 7 p.m. in the South
Meeting Room. Representatives
from last semester are requested to
attend as well as newly elected

UNIVERSITY Guide Service
will hold its once a year, very
lavish, extremely important election
meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the

ANYONE interested in referencing
intramural basketball games:
Rules meeting at 4 p.m., room 22
Memorial Gym.

MEETING of the Diving Club in
room 4C, Newcomb Hall at 8 p.m.
Anyone wishing to take diving lessons
please attend.

TAU BETA PI important meeting
at 8, room A-125 Thornton

DR. A. GELLMAN of Budd Rall
Co. will give a talk on "High Speed
Rall Transportation" at the ASME
meeting at 7:30 in A&M 124. Refreshments.
All welcome.

TRIGON Engineering Society
regular meeting at 7 p.m., room
A-120 Thornton Hall.

DANCE auditions for the musical
"Farce Double Date" will be
held at 7:30 p.m. Minor Hall room

fraternity organizational meeting at
8 p.m., room 110 Rouss Hall.

Fourth-year Gov't and Foreign
Affairs majors invited to attend a
curriculum evaluation meeting at 7
p.m. tonight in the Informal
Lounge, third floor, Newcomb Hall.
Regarding Comps.


UNIVERSITY Union Program
Board meeting at 8:15 p.m., Conference
Room, Newcomb Hall. All

MONTHLY meeting of the
Graduate Wives in Arts and Sciences
will be at 8 p.m., Wesley

UNIVERSITY Part meeting to
elect new officers at 8 p.m., South
Meeting Room, Newcomb Hall. All
students are welcome.


THE STANFORD White Memorial
Society, while disclaiming any
organizational ties with the Harry
K. Thaw Society, wholeheartedly
supports its convictions.

STUDENTS wishing to enroll in
the student Blue Cross/Blue Shield
hospitalization program must do so
by contacting the local office, Barracks
Rd. Shopping Center.
296-8146 by Monday, Feb. 17. All
students must be enrolled in this
program or a comparable program
with another company.

APPLICATIONS for dormitory
counselorship available at Housing
Office, Emmet House during office
hours until Friday, Feb. 14. Each
interested student must pick up his
own application. The deadline for
filing an application is 5 p.m., Feb.
20. All applicants are required to
take a U. knowledge test given Feb.
18 and Feb. 19 in Gilmer Hall Aud.
at 7 p.m.

ANYONE interested in conference
on Mission and Ministry at
Crozet Theological Seminary,
Chester, Pa. on Feb. 28, March 1
and 2, call 293-3166.

VOLUNTEERS needed to help
compile and edit results of college
curriculum evaluation. Call Jackson
Lears, 296-6886 or Jere Abrams,
296-4646. Interesting, prestigious
jobs available for all.

READING DAYS for second
semester are given as Sat., May 24
and Monday, May 26, in the calendar
of the current College catalogue.
One of these Reading Days is
in error because the calendar was
prepared before the decision had
been made about hot holding classes
on Saturday. The reading days
should be Friday, May 23 and
Monday, May 26.

ANY FACULTY member wishing
to sponsor the Diving Club
please call Mike Williams,

ART SHOW - California-inspired
drawings and paintings by
Ann Unterener at the Prism Coffeehouse,
Feb. 12-March 12. Wed.,
8-12; Fri. and Sat., 9 p.m. 2 a.m.

ROBERT ANDERSON, playwright,
will speak on "Modern
American Theatre" at the Minor
Hall Little Theatre Monday, Feb.
17. Students and faculty are admitted
free. All others are $1.
Lecture begins at 8 p.m.