University of Virginia Library



Firewood for sale. Call

1966 Rambler American. Standard.
34,000 miles, $700 or best
offer. Call 296-2077.

1967 MGB-GT, English racing
green. Low mileage, excellent condition.
Must sell, best offer.

1966 MGB, light blue, like new,
one owner, low mileage. Sacrifice.
All reasonable offers considered.
Call 293-2089.

MAPS: Topographic (Index
sheets for all 50 states),
Bartholomew maps on cloth, nautical
charts, national Atlas sheets,
many others. Old Dominion Map
Co., below Noonday Bookshop.


All those who advertise in this
column have signed a statement
that the facilities advertised are
ones in which any responsible student
of the University will be allowed
to reside, regardless of race,
color, religion, or national origin.

Before signing your U.Va.
Housing Contract: $40 REWARD
for any student, also female, who
will act as my substitute (must
vacate room) call Alex 295-5477.


Madison Lane Apt., $25. One
roommate needed for 4-man apartment,
call 293-7777.

Anyone who must move into
the dorms 2nd semester and has not
yet signed a housing agreement,
please contact David Hawkes,
295-9901 or 924-3081.

Female roommate wanted, one
bedroom furnished apartment.
296-4820 after 5 p.m.

Wanted - dynamic, enthusiastic,
with it person, to act as
counselor for high school drop-outs
in Neighborhood Youth Core,
9:30-3:30 Fridays. $3.50 per hour.
Contact Drewary Brown, Director,

TYPING WANTED: Professional
work done on term papers,
theses, manuscripts, etc. Call Mrs.
Pat Pettit 296-9228.

Wanted: Roommate for fully
furnished 4-man apartment, two
blocks from University. Available
Feb. 1. Call 296-0882.

Riders wanted to New Jersey,
intermediate points. Leave 12 noon
Friday, return 9 p.m. Sunday.

Roommate wanted to share
comfortable apartment on Madison
Lane. Call 295-4072.

Wanted: Riders to
Charlottesville from Chicago area
Feb. 2. 296-1103. Chicago phone


Lazy-Eight Flying Club, Inc.,
memberships open. 2 aircraft,
Cessna 140 and Cessna 170,