University of Virginia Library


AD RATES: $0.90 for the first
15 words per day, $0.05 each
additional word. There is a 10%
discount for payment in advance
and an additional 10% discount for
an ad run 4 days or more. The
deadline for ads is 1 p.m. the day
before plication, NONE will be
taken after his time. There are no
classified a in the Monday paper.


Three piece blue sparkle drum
set. In excellent condition. Must
sell, Call 296-9994.

1961 VW Sedan, Completely
rebuilt engine and clutch, fully
guaranteed. $600 or best offer, call

Hallicrafter Short Wave Radio
Receiver, SX-88, Six bands, 535kc
to 33mc. Fine Tuning. $150.00 Call
293-8317 after 5 p.m.

University Pictorial Map - It's a
beauty! Get acquainted with
modernity and lore of UVA. $2.50
only! At Bookstores.

1960 Peugeot completely rebuilt
motor, $230, call 293-5885
after 5 p.m.

Ladies' 26″ European lightweight
bicycle. 293-4086 after 5
p.m. or 924-3019 8 a.m. til 5 p.m.

64 Triumph Sports 6, best offer.

Firewood for sale, 293-1096.

Complete set of Golf Clubs
Matched Irons and Woods. Bag and
. Must sell 296-4968.

Colonial Inkwell in Gleaming
Pewter plus two hand cut quill pens
gift-boxed, $7.50. Also pens
available separately in Jefferson
gift-boxes. Lewis Glaser quillmaker.
109 2nd Street, S.E. Dall 293-8531.

Guitar sale at Gordon Place.
Martin 000-18 Acoustic, $175,
Gibson Les Paul Jr. Electric, $175.
Old Gretsch, 2 pickups, $125. Call
Chet Blakstone or Bob Crawford

Dependable transportation,
1962 Ambassador S. Wagon. New
transmission, battery, res and radiator.
Xmas special $400, call

Ruger 44 mag, semi-automatic
carbine, excellent deer/brush gun,
like new, cost $108, sell $55.
295-3308 after 6 p.m.

1966 Mustang Hardtop, green/
black interior, 6 yl. automatic,
excellent condition, only 16,000
miles; dealer ask $1596. A steal at
$1375. 295-3308 after 6 p.m.

Fireplace wood. Kindeling
Cherry Avenue Gulf call 293-590
for delivery.

Mustang 67 V8, straight, Radio,
exterior decor group, red. Call
295-9561 after 6 p.m.


All those who advertise in this
column have signed a statement
that the facilities advertised are
ones in which any responsible student
of the University will be allowed
to reside, regardless of race,
color, religion, or national origin.

Farm Cottage, 3 miles SW of
Gordonsville. $50 per month or
rent free for caretaker services.

Apt. for rent Jan. 1 directly
across from Cabell Hall and Law
School. 100 Oakhurst Circle, G-2.
Come between 1-7 p.m.

$20 for any student acting as
my UVA housing contract substitute.
Alex, 295-3278 after 9 p.m.


Roommate wanted for 2nd semester.
Share 4 bedroom, early
American apartment with 3 Med
students. Convenient. 293-4024
after 8 p.m.

Worried about leaving your
lovely home? Visiting professor nd
wife from California need furnished
home for gracious living. No children,
non-smokers. Need June 69 for
approximately 1 year. By noon
Friday call 296-0181 or later write
Dr. R.T. Williams, 111 Linda Vista,
Pasadena, California,

Must vacate room in Monroe
Hill dorms after Christmas. Need
suitable replacement. Call Stuart
Cox 924-3187.

Roommate wanted: Modern
apartment behind Corner at College
Park Apartments Only $30.80 per
month. Call 296-3631.

Roommate wanted: Small apartment
on Jefferson Park close to
University. Available Jan. 1. Call

Roommate Wanted: Female
roommate wanted, good location
on Woodrow St. 296-2798 evenings.

NEED RIDE to New York Friday,
from New York Sunday, Dec. 15.
Contact Alan at 293-2531 late at

Wanted: Need ride for date
from Baltimore for Christmas
parties Saturday. Will share cost.

Wanted: 1) Guitar instructor, 2)
Roller skating supervisor Friday
and Saturday nights. Call Dept.
Recreation 296-8186.

Drummer and bassist-wanted to
play hard rock. Musical concept,
obnoxious attitude towards life
more important than experience.
Own equipment necessary. Call
296-1044 evenings.

Accounting Major as back up
for the fiscal officer of rapidly
growing Albemarle Co. firm just
listed on N.Y.S.E. Salary
$8500-9500 range, Send resume to
P.O. Box 1053, Charlottesville, Va.


Gruen Guild gold pocketwatch,
room 121 Cabell last class Monday
afternoon. Call Mrs. Bell 3334.

Will the "gentlemen" who took
the lining out of my London Fog
40L in New Chemistry Bldg. Dec. 6
please return it. Also will the person
who borrowed my navy blue
benchwarmer and gloves from Newcomb
Hall on Dec. 5 please return
them. Brad Kelley 296-7413.

White, all weather coat outside
of Rm. 423 Cabell before Thanksgiving
Holiday. Name written on
label, call or contact Stan Cohen.
R. 332 Balz, 296-2987.

Long, silk scarf. Belge, grey,
blue, exotic print. Sentimental
value. Call Vickl No. 222,


2 hotel rooms available Dec. 13
and 14. Call Clark or Mike

Gala sale for Christmas shoppers.
All purchases over $1 20% off.
Xanadu, Xanadu, Xanadu, Xanadu.

Sip 'n Sizzle Restaurant across
from Sears. 1108, W. Main St.
Steaks from $0.99 up. Served with
baked potato, tossed salad.

College Men: If you are
interested in a well paying job and
all expenses paid travel for 10
weeks this summer, write us. We
need mature, conscientious men to
serve as marketing Representatives
in working with our distributor's
salesmen. Write Arnold Goldin, 600
Brandon Avenue, Apt. No. 30,
Ch'ville 22903.

New Art Gallery at First and
High St., downtown. Unique and
beautiful Xmas gifts. Afternoons.

Lazy Eight Flying Club, Inc.
memberships open, two aircraft,
Cessna 140 and Cessna 170, call