![]() | The Cavalier daily. Friday, October 11, 1968 | ![]() |
1962 Valant 4 door sedan,
radio and heater. Reasonable. Call
60 TR-3 black, wire wheels.
$750. See at Main and 14th. Call
296-6280 after 5 p.m.
61 Dodge Lancer, good running
condition, economical, 4 door
compact, call 295-3430.
1964 MGB, new inspection and
muffler, 4 new tires, radio, top
condition. 296-4959 after 5:30
1960 Porsche, excellent
condition, new tires and muffler.
Call David Redway 295-9045.
Leave name and number.
1966 Olds Cutlass. Power
steering, power brakes, red with,
black convertible top. Wire wheels,
white walls, Bong-Warner stereo
tape player with dual stereo
speakers, Call 296-3468, Richard
1966 Honda 305 Scrambler.
Very good condition, 3100 miles;
new speedometer, lights, cables.
$420. Indigence forces this sale
upon me. Call Chuck Adams
Dual stereo amplifier $30,
swivel-rocker $22, solid maple end
table $15, chair $7. Call after 6
p.m. 293-1557.
1964 Corvair Monza, bucket
seats, red, new tires, new battery.
Looks and runs great. $650 or best
offer. Call 293-5430.
1948 Plymouth Club Coupe,
Radio, heater, seat belts, good ires.
Had loving care. $175. Phone
MGA excellent condition — has
luggage rack, new - top and new
batteries. $600. Phone 973-5942.
62 Corvette, gold 327 cu. in.,
300 h.p. Corvette's best year
Getting married. 296-5942.
Brand new Huffy "26" Boy's
English bicycle, Front and rear
calliper brakes, 3 speed Hub. Cost
$50. Call 295-3502 from 5-8 p.m.
Concord transistorized stereo
555 tape recorder, tapes, and
accessories, must sell before active
duty, $100, call 295-5036.
SAAB Station Wagon, 1965.
The ideal compact. Seats up to 7.
Front-wheel drive, free wheeling,
ski and luggage racks, snow tires.
Tough and economical, Blue.
Usually parked near Alderman
Library. $900, call 296-3356.
Jaguar XKE 1962 convertible,
excellent running condition, $1,900
or best offer. Call 295-5744 after
5:30 p.m.
1967 Honda CL-90 Scrambler,
3,400 miles. Very good condition,
call 295-1003 after 6 p.m.
Firewood for sale call 293-1096.
61 TR-3 excellent condition,
55,000 actual miles, many extras,
$700 or closest offer. 293-7796.
Volkswagen 66, $1,000. Call
296-4570 evenings.
VW 66 Sedan, diamond blue,
opening rear windows, radio.
21,000 miles, $1,250. Call
293-8287 after 6 p.m.
59 Ford convertible, V-8
automatic, fully equipped. Good
condition. $300 Call 296-1760.
1966 Chevy Impala, SS, 327, 4
speed all power. Call 295-5356.
1962 VW Bus, camper. New
engine, very good condition.
2 or 3 roommates to share 2
story, 3 bedroom house 5 miles
from U. Furnished. Pool, lush,
inexpensive. Occupancy by Oct. 15.
Prefer graduates, Dan McDonald,
Law School, 293-2726.
Capable student or wife to serve
as aid in special education class in
City. $15 per day 8-3 p.m. No
special training necessary.
Student's wife or other
responsible person with automobile
to care for infant in my home. Full
time beginning in November. Call
ext. 2003, Dr. Duckworth for
Qualified Senior or Graduate
student who would like to earn
$500 a month here at the
University. Call 973-3709 or
Part-time help to work in
warehouse and make grocery
deliveries, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Monday — Friday, ½ day Saturday.
Apply in person Dettor, Edwards
and Morris, 509 East South Street,
Secretary needed. Contact Bill
Moore 973-5325.
Sturdy desk for student. Call
Navy blue blazer in Chemistry
Bldg.. on Oct. 9. 'Contact Richard
Bill 296-6986.
Silver statuette of horse taken
off hood of green jeepster
Homecoming's weekend. Reward.
No questions asked. Call 295-9828.
Ladies yellow raincoat, vicinity
of Madison Lane. Initials kSy on
collar. Please contact Mark Orms
(ext. 3087) at Dabney House.
Man's silver Hamilton watch
between Alderman Rd. Dorms and
Law School. Contact Mike Kramm
295-3732. Reward.
Brown Virginia National Bank
checkbook — if found contact
Scott Roberts, 122 Humphreys.
250 Honda Scrambler, blue and
grey. Reward for any information
leading to recovery. Call Lee
Fauntleroy, 295-3520 or 293-6901.
Will keep small children in my
home. Experienced, call 296-1783.
The Gridiron Restaurant across
from University Hall lunch buffet,
all you can eat $1.25 11 a.m. to 2
p.m. Monday through Friday. Fish Fry
every Friday night $1.29.
For your drinking and eating
Try it straight or with brown sugar,
raisins and rye or as a mixer.
APPLES $1.50 bushel or 3 cents a
pound and up. "Why pay more."
Look for the truck on Hwy. 29N.
at Berkmar Dr. (2 blocks S. Rio
Rd.) Weekends only.
TYPEWRITING instruction day
or night. Small classes. Weekly
rates. Experienced teacher. Mrs.
Hopkins, 1106 W. Main. Telephone
293-4279 or 295-2916.
![]() | The Cavalier daily. Friday, October 11, 1968 | ![]() |