University of Virginia Library


Alexander Bigler, a coordinator
of the Oceanics
Project of the
National Planning
Association in
Washington, D. C., will speak
today on "Policy for Use of the
Oceans," in the last of the spring
lecture series sponsored by the
department of geology and geography.
His speech will be at 8
p.m. In the main lecture hall of
Brooks Museum.

Picture for the Rifle and Pistol
Club will be taken at Maury
Hall at 1 p.m.

Theta Tau important meeting
of all brothers room A-120, and
pledges A-119 tonight, 7:15.

Newman Club members interested
in trip to MWC this Wednesday
night, please contact D.
Kroner, 296-1732 before 10 p.m.
Tuesday night.

Spirit Club, 10 p.m. Alumni
Hall, important.

Any candidates for Senior Class
officer position are requested to
attend a mandatory meeting at
11 p.m. in Honor Comm. Room.

The Rev. Curtis Harris will
speak to the Human Relations
Council and other interested persons
in room 138 Cabell Hall, 4