University of Virginia Library

Gamecocks Nondiscriminatory

According to Athletic Director
Paul Dietzel, the University of
South Carolina does not discriminate
against the black athlete, although
South Carolina has never
signed one.

The school which accepted Mike
Grosso, and which uses nine
players from New York and New
Jersey on its basketball team, maintains
that it has not found a
colored boy who measured up to
its scholastic and athletic standards.

Approximately the same situation
exists at Clemson. Athletic
Department officials state that they
have attempted to recruit qualified
Negroes, in particular the aforementioned
Gil McGregor of Wake
Forest. But Clemson too, has never
signed a black athlete.

Integration in athletics has
come fairly late to most of the
ACC. But the talents, scholastic
and athletic, of the Negro athlete
are becoming harder and harder
to deny. In the words of Clemson
Sports Publicist Bob Bradley:
"If they're any good, they just
get whiter and whiter."