University of Virginia Library



White Sunbeam Alpine, 1967,
Excellent condition. 5 year Chrysler
warranty. Call 296-3781 after
6:00 P.M.

Wood for Sale, $10 a load, long
or short. Green or dry. Woodrow
Campbell, 293-1096.

House, Hessian Hills, 114 Bennington
Rd. Contemporary. 3 bedroom,
living room with fireplace.
Cathedral celling. Dining room.
Built in range, large lot, FHA
with $3,500 down. $27,750. Call 2963367.

Leather coats and jackets, 30%
off reg. price during Feb. The
Saddle Shop, 220 W. Water St.

BEEN SEARCHING—for a University
pictorial calendar? Available
again at Newcomb Bookstore

Cowboy boots and hats. The
Saddle Shop, 220 W. Water St.


6 room apt. Basement, garage,
big lawn, quiet neighborhood.
Close to University. 224 Shamrock,

Room for rent in furnished
house with two fourth year students
on West Park Drive. Call
295-2829 or 293-5001.


Roommate to share apt. with
two other students on prestigious,
convenient Valley Road. 2936897.

Apt.-mate. Inexpensive yet luxurious
apt., close to University
—305 15th St. Call 6-3631.

Models, male or female, for art
class, Tuesday and Thursday
mornings, 9:00-12:00. Call 295-2166,
Ext. 3057.

Counselors for summer camp in
Maine. Canoe and mountain trips,
sailing, nature, riflery, archery,
swimming, tennis and crafts. 8
week session. Camp on Island.
Call 293-0696 or write Jim Breeden.
Rt. 5, Box 280A, Charlottesville.

Attractive young lady to prepare
dinners for four U. gentlemen
in exchange for free meals.
Well-equipped kitchen, 1800 Jefferson
Park. Apt. 26. Phone 2933917.

Pianist for small church, good
pay. Call Robert Trainum, 2935905.

Harpsichord builder would like
part-time help. Two different jobs
available. Call 293-9011 daytime.
973-6222 evenings.


Pair gold-rimmed spectacles in
or around University Hall at the
P. P. and M Concert. Call 2938004.


Tolkien Club: If interested
phone 296-1743.

Personality Posters, Psychedelic,
Ski Posters and Buttons. If we
don't have them, then you don't
want them. Send for Samples and
Shop, 4609 E. Colfax, Denver, Colorado

Want to really impress her?
When was the last time you gave
her flowers? Why not get her a
corsage from Ronny Mahanes for
the Jr.-Sr. Student Nurses Dance.
It's at Fry Springs, Feb. 16. Call
Mahanes, 296-2101, 1002 W. Main.

Need bread? Distribute psychedelic
posters, etc. Write The
Joyce James Co., 734 Bay St., San
Francisco, Calif.

Photographs for applications
ROTC and Service forms. One day
service. Gitchell's Studio. 521 E.
Main, 296-7558.

Will anyone who witnessed a
motorcycle accident on Alderman
Rd. the night of October 28 please
call 296-5295.

Mary Washington girls notice!
Alterations! Clothes mended,
buttons, or whatever, Cavalier
Tailoring Shop, 136 Chancellor St.
Open 5-9 p.m.

SMART gentlemen avoid driving
on Memorial, Labor Day, etc.
Avoid dining between 7-9:30 Midwinters
at restaurant of your
choice. Courtesy of Gaslight Court
Stable Restaurant.

University approved housing
available for Midwinters. Call 2934813.