University of Virginia Library


The following resolution was adopted.

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following members of the faculty at Mary Washington College be and they are hereby

Mrs. Ruby (Cook) Harris, Assistant Professor of Home Economics, for three years, effective
1 September 1960, at a salary of $6,700.

Mr. Roger Lee Kenvin, Acting Assistant Professor of English, for one year, effective 1
September 1960, at a salary of $5,800.

Mrs. Margaret Swander Russell, Assistant Professor of Home Economics, for three years,
effective 1 September 1960, at a salary to be determined by the number of classes taught per
semester on the basis of $6,700 for the academic year.

Mr. Mark R. Summer, Assistant Professor of Dramatic Arts and Speech, for one year, effective
1 September 1960, at a salary of $6,700.