University of Virginia Library



President Shannon stated that the U. S. Housing and Home Finance Agency prior to its approval
of the faculty housing bonds for Clinch Valley College required that certain parietal rules be
established applicable to faculty housing. He submitted a resolution concerning this matter, which
had been approved by Mr. C. Venable Minor, and recommended its adoption.

The Board adopted the following resolution

WHEREAS, under Section 39 of the "Terms and Conditions" constituting part of the Loan Agreement
designated Project No. Va. 44-CH-9(D) concerning Clinch Valley College Faculty Housing Bonds, the
United States of America, a party to that Agreement, requires that certain parietal rules be
established by the University of Virginia which are applicable to faculty housing located at the
Clinch Valley College of the University of Virginia, at Wise, Virginia. Now therefore be it
Resolved by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia

1. That during the life of said loan, the University of Virginia agrees that rental rates in
the faculty housing project described in Section 4 of said Loan Agreement shall not be less than

  • (a) $85.00 per month for each of the six single family dwellings described
    in said Section 4,

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  • (b) $75.00 per month for each of the two bedroom apartments in the four unit
    apartment building described in said Section 4,

  • (c) $65.00 per month for each of the one bedroom apartments in the four unit
    apartment building described in said Section 4

2. That preference be given to the filling of any vacancies in the dwellings and apartments
aforesaid over any other vacancies in housing that are, or in the future may be, operated by the
University of Virginia for its faculty members in the Clinch Valley area,

3. That any and all leases of the dwellings and apartments aforesaid shall be subject to the
approval of the Comptroller of the University of Virginia; and

4. That the terms and conditions for the lease of the dwellings and apartments aforesaid, as
set forth in the sample lease attached, are hereby confirmed and ratified.