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1 occurrence of bronaugh
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Professor Davis.

There are two classes arranged for two successive sessions.

The First Class studies during the first half-session, Deductive and Inductive
Logic; during the second half-session, Psychology. Three lectures a

Text-Books.—The Professor's Elements of Deductive Logic, Elements of Inductive
Logic, Theory of Thought, and Elements of Psychology.

The Second Class studies during the first half-session, Ethics; during the
second half-session, History of Philosophy. Two lectures a week.

Text-Books.—The Professor's Essay in Ethics; Janet's La Morale; Lotze's Grundzüge
der Praktischen Philosophie; Ueberweg's History of Philosophy.

The course of the first class may be taken for the B. A. degree; that of the
second, for the M. A.

The Course for the Ph. D. degree embraces the History of Philosophy,
ancient and modern, with a special study of Aristotle and Kant, and a course
in Physiological Psychology.