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For Undergraduates and Graduates.
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For Undergraduates and Graduates.

Education C1: Educational Hygiene: two B courses in Education

First Term: Measurement, Defects, and Hygiene of Development.

Second Term: Hygiene of School Buildings, Equipment, and Management.


Page 22

Third Term: Personal and Community Hygiene.

Monday and Wednesday, 4:45-6:15. Education Building, Room 2.
Professor Heck.

Recommendation of Teachers.—The recommendation of teachers from
the School of Education is in charge of the Bureau of Appointments,—
Professor Kent and Professor Maphis. Through this committee positions
are secured, not only for students of the School of Education, but for students
in other departments, where they are known to be fitted to fill the
vacancies reported. In response to requests from the proper authorities,
teachers are recommended for positions as instructors in colleges and normal
schools, as superintendents, as supervisors in special subjects, as principals
or department teachers in high schools, and as principals of elementary
schools. The demand for teachers has been greater than the supply.
Correspondence with regard to this matter may be addressed to the
Bureau of Appointments, University, Virginia.