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And had they it all to themselves that tune?
What was all the other chaps doin'?
Well, you'll obsarve, it wasn' none
But the miner lads that ever done
The reg'lar sooreyin' that's in,
Lek what they're callin' sooreyin'—
Proper lek—you know the surt—
Them other chaps I was tellin', that dirt
Of shoemakers, and tailors, and jiners
And that, was freckened of the miners,
Reg'lar freckened, and navar dar'd
Show a nose inside of the yard
After the milkin'—no—they dar'n'—
Aw, they're not to be trifled with, miners ar'n'—
You'd batthar belave it! one or two of them
Tried it a bit, but all the crew of them
Jined—these miners down at the Pub,
Members of the “Nessy Club”—
Yis, that's what they were callin' the 'ciety—
And they tuk such urdher, and worked such variety


Of ghoses and goblins, and big bogganes,
Like divils growlin' in their dens,
And groanin' ter'ble behind the fences,
That they freckened these fellas urrov their senses.

Courting that is courting.


Order, made such arrangements.

The “lubber fiend” of Milton.

Out of.