Everything concerning Lenin is in the collections of his
works of which there exist (in Russian) five editions, each
more complete than the last, though not quite complete
yet; they are augmented by copious annotations presenting
a great many variants and contradictions. Cf. Lenin, Works,
first edition in 20 vols. (Moscow, 1924-27); third edition
in 30 vols. (Moscow, 1927-35); Complete Works, fifth edition
in 55 vols. (Moscow, 1958-65). The second and third editions
are similar; the fourth is to be avoided.
Stalin's texts up to January 1934 are found in the collec-
tion called Works in 13 vols. (Moscow, 1946-51), the publi-
cation of which was held up after the death of the author.
A supplement of three volumes covering the years 1934-53,
edited by Robert H. McNeal, was published by the Hoover
Institution (Stanford, 1967).
All matters pertaining to the ideology and life in the
Soviet Union, except those that are state secrets, are treated
in the encyclopedias and dictionaries the successive editions
of which reveal the official versions and reflect the changes
between editions. Cf. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia in 65
vols. (Moscow, 1931-47); 2nd ed. in 51 vols. (Moscow,
1949-58); The Small Soviet Encyclopedia, 10 vols. (Moscow,
1930-31); 2nd ed., 11 vols. (Moscow, 1933-47); 3rd ed., 11
vols. (Moscow, 1958-61). Small Philosophical Dictionary
(Moscow, 1952); 4th ed., (Moscow, 1954).
(Moscow, 1940; 1958).
Diplomatic Dictionary, 2 vols.
(Moscow, 1948-50); 3 vols. (Moscow, 1960-64).
[See also
Historical and Dialectical Materialism; Marxism;
Marxist Revisionism; Social Democracy;
Socialism; State;