University of Virginia Library

[One by one, no longer]

One by one, no longer
Gently bid to wait;
One by one, they entered
Through the Golden Gate.
One by one they fell adoring
At the Master's feet,
Heard His welcome, deep and thrilling,
‘Enter thou!’ each full heart filling,
All its need for ever stilling—
All its restless beat.
Then the gift, the free, the glorious,
Life with Him, eternal life,—
Erst bestowed amid the weeping,
And the weary vigil-keeping,
And the bitter strife,—
Now in mighty consummation,
First in all its fulness known,
Dower of glory all transcendent,
Everlasting and resplendent,
Is their own!


All their own, through Him who loved them,
And redeemed them unto God!
New and living revelation
Of the marvels of salvation,
Wakes new depths of adoration,
New and burning laud.
Now they see their gracious Master,
See Him face to face!
Now they know the great transition
From the veiled to veil-less vision,
In that bright and blessèd place.
What a change has passed upon them!
Made like Him, the Perfect One,—
Made like Him whose joy they enter,
Him, the only Crown and Centre
Of the endless bliss begun.