David E. Apter, ed., Ideology and Discontent (New York,
1964). Daniel Bell, The End of Ideology (New York, 1960);
idem, “Ideology and Soviet Politics,” Slavic Review, 24
(December 1965), 591-603. Gustav Bergmann, “Ideology,”
Ethics, 61 (April 1951), 205-18. Norman Birnbaum, “The
Sociological Study of Ideology (1940-60),” Current Sociol-
ogy, 9 (1960), 91-117. Richard H. Cox, ed., Ideology, Politics,
and Political Theory (Belmont, Calif., 1969), Ch. 1. Léon
Dion, “Political Ideology as a Tool of Functional Analysis
in Socio-Political Dynamics: An Hypothesis,” Canadian
Journal of Economics and Political Science, 25 (February
1959), 47-59. Sigmund Freud, Civilization and Its Discon-
tents (1930; New York, 1958); idem, The Future of an Illusion
(1928; New York, 1957). Clifford Geertz, “Ideology as a
Cultural System,” in David E. Apter (cited above). Dante
Germino, Beyond Ideology: The Revival of Political Theory
(New York, 1967), Ch. 3. Robert E. Lane, Political Ideology
(New York, 1962). George Lichtheim, “The Concept of
Ideology,” in The Concept of Ideology and Other Essays
(New York, 1967). Karl Mannheim, Ideology and Utopia
(London and New York, 1936). Karl Marx and Friedrich
Engels, The German Ideology (1845-46; New York, 1947);
idem, Selected Correspondence, 1846-1895 (New York, 1942).
Gaetano Mosca, The Ruling Class (New York, 1939); idem,
“The Final Version of the Theory of the Ruling Class,” in
James H. Meisel, The Myth of the Ruling Class (Ann Arbor,
1958). Krishna P. Mukerji, Implications of the Ideology
Concept (Bombay, 1955). Vilfredo Pareto, The Mind and
Society, 4 vols. (London, 1935). Talcott Parsons, “An Ap-
proach to the Sociology of Knowledge,” Transactions of the
Fourth World Congress of Sociology (Louvain, 1959), 25-49;
The Social System (New York, 1951). Mostafa Rejai,
Decline of Ideology? (New York, 1971). Giovanni Sartori,
“Politics, Ideology, and Belief Systems,”
American Political
Science Review, 63 (June 1969), 398-411. Edward Shils,
“Ideology: The Concept and Function of Ideology,”
national Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (New York,
1968), 7, 66-76. Georges Sorel,
Reflections on Violence (1906;
New York, 1961). Francis X. Sutton, Seymour E. Harris, Carl
Kaysen, and James Tobin,
The American Business Creed
(Cambridge, Mass., 1956). Charles H. Van Duzer,
bution of the Ideologues to French Revolutionary Thought
(Baltimore, Md., 1935).
[See also Alienation; Baconianism,
Idea; Ideology of Soviet
Communism; Marxism; Perfectibility.]