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[Father of earth and sky]

Our Father which art in heaven, &c. —vi. 9–13.

Father of earth and sky,
Thy name we magnify:
O that earth and heaven might join
Thy perfections to proclaim,
Praise the attributes Divine,
Fear, and love Thy awful name!
When shall Thy Spirit reign
In every heart of man?
Father, bring the kingdom near,
Honour Thy triumphant Son,
God of heaven, on earth appear,
Fix with us Thy glorious throne.
Thy good and holy will,
Let all on earth fulfil:
Men with minds angelic vie,
Saints below with saints above,
Thee to praise and glorify,
Thee to serve with perfect love.
This day with this day's bread
Thy hungry children feed,
Fountain of all blessings, grant
Now the manna from above,
Now supply our bodies' want,
Now sustain our souls with love.
Our trespasses forgive;
And when absolved we live,


Thou our life of grace maintain;
Lest we from our God depart,
Lose Thy pardoning love again,
Grant us a forgiving heart.
In every fiery hour
Display Thy guardian power,
Near in our temptation stay,
With sufficient grace defend,
Bring us through the evil day,
Make us faithful to the end.
Father, by right Divine,
Assert the kingdom Thine;
Jesus, Power of God, subdue
Thine own universe to Thee;
Spirit of grace and glory too,
Reign through all eternity.