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And couldn' stand it, poor fellow, of coorse,
And rushin' on Harry, and as hoorse as hoorse,


And whisp'rin', “Look here! the time is up.”
Then says Nessy, “Suppose I want him to stop—
Time, indeed! whose time? bad 'cess!
You're thinkin' a dale of yourself,” she says,
“It's for me, not for you, to tell him to go—
Time did ye say? But I'll have you to know.”
And stoops—and—“Listen, Harry, will ye?
I've got something partikkilar to tell ye.
Jack musn' hear. Be off with ye, Jack,
To the apple-tree, and don't come back
Till I tell ye.” The apple-tree—that was the place
They had to stand, in any case,
When their coortin' was off, just like it would be
Their watch on deck—aye—the apple tree—
“Apple-tree, apple-tree,
Cover me, cover me,
Branches of the apple-tree!
While night's shadows drift and flee,
Fall on me, fall on me,
Blossoms of the apple-tree—
Pink-tipt snowflakes tenderly
Gliding from the apple-tree!”
Aye, them's Tommy's, Tommy Big-eyeses —
Ter'ble for rimin'—all surts and sizes,
Tommy, bless ye!

See Tommy Big-Eyes, p. 252.