University of Virginia Library


To the Lairds of Annandale Conjunctly & Severaly A. R. not Greeting, wishes them all a good Bridle-Hand


[August 17, 1748]

Let Lairds of Lockerby take tent
how they their Paughty Shoarings vent
against a Troop wha think nae mair
on flieing Naigs to Scowr throw Air
then Lads of Annan think to bratle
round Cheviot Heights for English Catle
nor think to daunt them with your huffing
your witty Kicks & merry Cuffing
Such fundamental reparties
their Dowps will never brook with Ease
but if they should, what then, they'll crack
they were set on behind their back
As for the auld gash Edinburgh Bard
He fears not either Lord or Laird
if they'll but fairly take the field
and feight with Weapons He can weild
for when Apollo lends him Quivers
he'll bring them down as they do plivers
He owns the Dons of Annandale
the Walls of a Goose-pye can Scale
tho on Rock, Beef and Hams its founded
and with a Ditch of punch sorrounded
yet his upon the Castle-Hill
will try their valour pith & skill
for being the fav'rite of Mons-Meg
the Patroness will Lift her leg
and shaw them a Confounding trick
by farting Bullets twa foot thick
besides what further may be done
by thunder-bowts brought frae the Moon


She too is on the Poets Side
and ev'ry bonny lass & Bride
frae Salway firth to Caithness Wick
No Sweeter Supports can he seek
sae Lairds even as ye like be bawlan
Your Ladys will take care of Allan

The Gods take care of Cato