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The Poetical Works of William Drummond of Hawthornden

With "A Cypresse Grove": Edited by L. E. Kastner

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lix. D. O. M. S.


What was mortall of Thomas Dalyell of Binnes lyeth here. Hee was descended of the auncient race of the Ls. of Dalyell now deseruedlye aduanced to be Earles of Carnewath. His integritie and worth made him an vnremoued Justice of Peace, and ..... yeeres Sherife in the Countie of Linlythgow. Hee lefte, successoures of his vertues and fortunes, a Sonne renowned by the warres, and a Daughter marryed to William Drummond of Reckertown. After 69 yeeres pilgrimage heere on Earth, hee was remoued to the repose of Heauen, the 10 of Februarye 1642.

Justice Truth, Peace, and Hospitalitie,
Friendship and Loue, being resolued to dye
In these lewd Tymes haue chosen heere to haue
With just, true, pious, kynd Dalyell their Graue;
Hee Them cherish'd so long, so much did grace,
That they than this would choose no dearer place.
T. Filius manibus charissimi patris parentauit.