University of Virginia Library

To whatsoever Pow'r, GOD, me subjects,
I will obey it with all due respects
Till he removes it; (as I still have done,
Ev'n then, when I was censur'd to have gone
Beside my Rule.) When Anarchy takes place
By reason, to preserve the common peace,
I'll use all good and likely means I may;
Sing, whilst it lasteth; when it faileth, pray;
That, though from me my Foes the out-works win,
I may secure the Fortresses within,
And, in the mean space, neither be perplext,
Or scar'd, to think, who will enslave me next:
For, he that trusts to an internal aid,
Of no external Pow'r need be afraid.
The troubles of this life will soon be past;
The bliss that follows, will for ever last:
And, I have seen the Authors of our troubles
So oft blown up, and puft away like Bubbles,
That much I am asham'd to think how poor
My courage was to fear them heretofore.