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Virginia and Virginians

eminent Virginians, executives of the colony of Virginia from Sir Thomas Smyth to Lord Dunmore. Executives of the state of Virginia, from Patrick Henry to Fitzhugh Lee. Sketches of Gens. Ambrose Powel Hill, Robert E. Lee, Thos. Jonathan Jackson, Commodore Maury

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Was born in Manchester, Virginia, on February 14, 1854, the son of
Benjamin P. and Mary S. Owen, still residents of Manchester. His
mother was a daughter of H. B. Walker, now deceased. His father
was born in Mathews county, Virginia. His wife, whom he married in
Manchester, October 31, 1881, was born in Dinwiddie county, Virginia,
Lucia Brodnax. Their children were born in the order named: Cornelia,
Mary Walker, Lucia Brodnax, Margaret. The second daughter
died July 19, 1885.

Mr. Owen was educated in Richmond, and began business in 1868,
clerk with E. T. Pilkinton, tobacco manufacturer. In 1870-71 he
managed a tobacco factory for Webb & Roulhac, at Hillsboro, North
Carolina; bought tobacco on his own account at Hillsboro and Durham
in 1871-72, and in 1872 kept books for Conrad & Shelburn, Richmond.
In 1873 he kept books for F. W. Peckrell & Co.; in 1875 went to live
with B. P. Owen his father, and staid with the firm of B. P. Owen & Co.,
and with their successors, until the formation of the firm of H. B.


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Owen & Co., of which J. B. Moore was partner. In March, 1880, Mr.
Owen connected himself with W. J. Whitehurst, forming the firm of
which he is still a member, Whitehurst & Owen, manufacturers of sash,
doors, etc., with factory on 12th street, between Canal and Byrd, and
in January, 1883, removed to new factory, corner Byrd and 10th

Mr. Owen is a Mason; P. M. in Manchester Lodge, No. 14; P. H. P.
Manchester Chapter No. 48; Cap.-Gen'l in Richmond Commandery No.
2, Lecturer for District No. 2.