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The subject of this sketch, Thomas William Miller,
was born in Strasburg, Shenandoah County, Virginia,
August the 5th, 1852, and is a son of Dr. Thomas J. and
Sarah Catharine Russell
illustration Miller, now deceased,
both of whom descended
from old Colonial Revolutionary
stock and were
prominent for many
years in the social life
of the Shenandoah Valley.
Thomas William
Miller received his early
education in the schools
of his native county and
at an Academy at Oxford,
Georgia. He
worked on his father's
farm until he was nineteen
years of age, at
which time he entered
the service of railroads.

In 1873 he accepted a
position with the Adams Express Company at Washington,
D. C., as Money Clerk, and in 1880, he entered the
University of Virginia and graduated from the legal department
of that institution two years later with the
degree of Bachelor of Laws.

In October, 1882, Mr. Miller came to Roanoke where
he has since resided and has been actively engaged in
the practice of his chosen profession.

In politics he is a Democrat and has always taken an
active interest in the affairs of the party. He served
as Chairman of the City Democratic Executive Committee,
was a member of the State Central Committee,
and served a few years as City Solicitor of Roanoke.

Mr. Miller was a charter member of the old Vigilant
Fire Company, which was organized in the early days of
Roanoke, and rendered splendid service to the city.

He is an able lawyer, a wide-awake progressive
citizen, and one who has done much for the upbuilding
of this city and section.

In 1882 he was married to Miss Ida M. Digges, a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David D. M. Digges, of
Albemarle County, Virginia, and they have four
children; namely, Randolph D., Rosalie D., Francis R.,
and Sarah Catharine Miller.

Mr. Miller is a member of St. Mark's Lutheran
Church and resides with his family at Virginia Heights.