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[Revelation xxii. 17.]

Lord, I believe Thy work of grace
Is perfect in the soul;
His heart is pure who sees Thy face,
His spirit is made whole,
From every sickness, by Thy word,
From every sore disease,
Saved, and to perfect health restored,
To perfect holiness.
He walks in glorious liberty,
To sin entirely dead;
The Truth, the Son hath made him free,
And he is free indeed.
He lives, when Thou hast fully wrought
The work of faith with power,
Upright in deed, and word, and thought
He lives, and sins no more.


Throughout his soul Thy glories shine,
His soul is all renew'd,
And deck'd in righteousness Divine,
And cloth'd and fill'd with God.
In spirit join'd, and one with Thee,
And purged from all his stains,
No wrinkle of infirmity,
No spot of sin remains.
He knows Thee now as he is known,
Thy fulness he receives;
Flesh of Thy flesh, bone of Thy bone,
In Thee he ever lives.
This is the rest, the life, the peace
Which all Thy people prove;
Love is the bond of perfectness,
And all their soul is love.
Thy people are all sanctified;
And Thou shalt say to me,
“Thou art all fair, My love, My bride,
There is no spot in thee.”
O joyful sound of gospel grace!
Christ shall in me appear;
I, even I, shall see His face,
I shall be holy here.
I shall from every sin be free;
(The word of God is sure;)
Walk before Him, and perfect be,
And pure as God is pure.


This heart shall be His constant home;
I hear His Spirit's cry,
“Surely,” He saith, “I quickly come,”
He saith, and cannot lie.
The God of truth Himself hath sworn;
On Him my soul relies;
My soul, on wings of eagles borne,
Shall fly, and take the prize.
The glorious crown of righteousness
To me reach'd out I view;
Conqueror through Him, I soon shall seize
And wear it as my due.
The promised land from Pisgah's top
I now exult to see;
My hope is full (O blessed hope!)
Of immortality.
My fluttering spirit fatigues my breast,
And swells and spreads abroad,
And pants for everlasting rest,
And struggles into God.
I feel and know Him now in part;
His love my heart constrains,
Its near approach expands my heart,
And fills with pleasing pains.
He visits now the house of clay,
He shakes His future home:
O wouldst Thou, Lord, on this glad day
Into Thy temple come!


With me I know, I feel, Thou art;
But this cannot suffice,
Unless Thou plantest in my heart
A constant paradise.
My earth Thou water'st from on high;
But make it all a pool;
Spring up, O well! I ever cry,
Spring up within my soul!
Come, O my God, Thyself reveal;
Fill all this mighty void,
Thou only canst my spirit fill:
Come, O my God, my God!
Fulfil, fulfil my large desires,
Large as infinity;
Give, give me all my soul requires,
All, all that is in Thee!