University of Virginia Library


[A Single acorn's cup, experiment shows]


A Single acorn's cup, experiment shows,
The future oak's whole embrio can enclose:—


Immense idea!—That a form so small,
On earth's prolific lap, if right it fall,
Shall burst—shall vegetate—shall protrude a root;
Rise a strong trunk, from particles so minute;
O'er-top the forest; brave the tempest's rage;
Flourish;—expand, while age succeeds to age;
And haply, when to perfect timber grown,
Waft to new worlds, the produce of our own!
While on this thought imagination dwells,
Reverse the scene; and hear what nature tells;
—That this enormous bulk, is but th' extent
Of parts, at first within an acorn pent;—
An acorn! which, should truth the fact reveal,
Was once—the refuse of a poor pig's meal!