University of Virginia Library



Not far below the Port the Ship had left,
The hills into a little cove were cleft;
The stony faces of the cliffs thus rent
Showed twisted strata, strangely earthquake-bent,
Running on each side circularly up—
A great grey hollow like a broken cup!
From crest and crevice, tortuously flung
Those monstrous iron-hearted myrtles hung—
Stiff snaky writhing trunks, and roots that clave
And crawled to any hold the ramparts gave.
Below, the level floor of sea-smoothed stone
Was all scooped out and scored by wear and tear
Of tides into round baths, and channels—bare
Or with sea-windflowers, scarlet-ringed, o'ergrown:
And big clay-coloured rocks and boulders,—dropt
From mould-like hollows in the cliffs above,
Where others like them sticking still outcropped,—
Lay scattered round the margin of the cove.
Look! in the starlit stillness, there and then,
A boat emerging from the gloom appears;
Rowed by four stalwart, darkling, silent, men,
With muffled oars and faintest plash scarce heard;
No sound beside, but the rare muttered word
Of brief command from him who mutely steers
And keenly round him through the darkness peers.
How cautiously her channelled way she feels,
And towards the rocks above the tideline steals!
There with suspended oars the boatmen wait,


Careful lest even their drip be heard; the Chief
Steps out and listens on the lonely reef.
No sight—no sound of anything that lives—
A ‘cooey!’ low and cautious, then he gives.
See! one of those clay-coloured rocks, descried
Dimly from where, with boathook held, the skiff,
Lies gently tilting with the lapping tide,
Seems, 'mid its dumb companions 'neath the cliff
With life and motion suddenly endowed!
It rises—swiftly running—leaping o'er
The stony-ribbed and channel-furrowed floor;
See! 'tis a female form—a graceful shape
Not even the clay-hued mats that thickly drape
The head and shoulders, all the figure shroud—
Can wholly hide; and see! as it draws near
And Ranolf ('twas none other) runs to meet
And with glad gesture greet the vision dear,
Beneath the hood—this time no doubtful dream—
Two great delighted sparkling eyes appear—
And such a wan glad face, so wan and sweet,
And kindling with triumphant love supreme!