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The English and Scottish Popular Ballads

Edited by Francis James Child.
0 occurrences of England's black tribunal
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0 occurrences of England's black tribunal
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Lord Ingram and Childe Viat



Kinloch MSS, V, 323, in the handwriting of John Hill Burton.


Lord Ingram and Childe Viat
Were both bred in one ha;
They laid their luves on one ladye,
And frae her they could na fa.


Lord Ingram courted Ladye Maisery,
He courted her frae ha to bower;
And even sae did Childe Viat,
Amang the summer flowers.


Lord Ingram courted Ladye Maisery,
He courted her frae bower to ha;
And even sae did Childe Viat,
Among the sheets sae sma.


Sir Ingram bought her Ladye Maisery
The steed that paid him well;
She wads he were ayont the sea,
Gin she had her true love.


Lord Ingram bought her Lady Maisery
The knives hafted wi steel;
She wads they were in his heart's bluid,
Gin Childe Viat was weel.


Lord Ingram bought her Lady Maisery
The golden knobbed gloves;
She wads they were ayone the sea,
Gin she had her true love.


‘There's two swords in one scabbard,
They cost me many a pound;
Take you the best, leave me the worst,
We's fight till they be done.’


The firsten stroke Lord Ingram gae,
He wounded Childe Viat nigh;
The nexten stroke Childe Viat gae,
Lord Ingram's head did flie;
And fifty feet oer a burken buss
Lord Ingram's head did flee.


There was no mane made for these two lords,
In bower where they lay slain;
But all was for this fair ladie,
In bower where she gaed brain.


‘For one word I would gie for Childe Viat,
For Lord Ingram I would gie three;
And it's a' for the brave wedding
That he did to me gie.’