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Sec. 344. Sanitary policeman.

In order to more effectually carry out the ordinances with regard
to the health and cleanliness of the city, the Mayor is
hereby authorized, at the request of the Board of Health, to
designate one of the regular policemen or appoint a special policeman,


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who shall be known as the Sanitary Inspector, whose
duty it shall be to make a careful inspection of the premises of
all public buildings of the city, and of all other buildings, residences
or places of business, cellars, grounds or other appurtenances
thereto, which are required by the health laws of the city
to be kept in a cleanly and healthy condition; and to serve notice
upon the occupants thereof to abate or remove any nuisance
which he may find existing thereon. He shall be subject to the
orders and under the control of the Board of Health and shall
serve for such length of time as said Board may deem necessary.
Inspection shall be made quarterly or oftener, if deemed necessary
by the Board of Health.