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[Drawn by Thine extended fame]

His fame went throughout all Syria, &c. —iv. 24.

Drawn by Thine extended fame,
Saviour, I come to Thee,
Sick of every vice I am,
And sinful malady:
Now a palsied soul I groan;
In rage I act the madman's part;
Torn by devilish pride I own
The legion in my heart.
But my most inveterate ill
Shall fly before Thy word;
Nothing can withstand the will
Of an almighty Lord:
Faith in Thine all-healing power
If by Thy gracious gift I have,
Speak, and in this welcome hour
The chief of sinners save.
Health into my spirit speak
Through Thy balsamic blood,
Then I shall go forth and seek
The sin-sick multitude.
Then I in Thy steps shall tread,
The tidings of great joy proclaim,
Wander everywhere to spread
Mine utmost Saviour's name.