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Ranolf and Amohia

A dream of two lives. By Alfred Domett. New edition, revised

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So, parting ere the dawn, with life renewed,
The plan concerted, calmly they pursued.
Two days they passed, eventless and serene,
Each by the other seemingly unseen;
Or in what intercourse they chanced to hold
Making a mock indifference, forced and cold,
Their fervid interest in each other screen.
In sad regards dissembling deep delight,
Impassioned, with how passionless a mien,
They crossed each other's path! with loving slight,


Hidden half-glances of such dear deceit—
Unrecognizing recognition sly and sweet!
Then Ranolf to his hosts kind farewell bade;
Much to their grief—so handsomely he paid;
Nor seemed to notice Amo was not there
Just at the instant that farewell to share:
Then went on board; and found the busy Ship
With cheery noise of near departure gay;
Sails shaken loose and anchor now atrip,
Waiting the evening hour of ebbing tide;
Worked by the steadiest of the men—a few
Exceptions to the riot-wearied crew—
Who jaded with rude revel listless lay,
Nor longer to evade their duty tried,
Content at last or glad to get away.
Then down the harbour she was seen to glide,
Past the bare windy outer heads sunbright,
The glossy yellowish bluffs—into the blue;
There on the dim expanse, she lingering lay
With slowly changing attitudes, in sight,
As if her stately beauty to display;
Then, dwindling ever in the fading light,
Looked, now a column sloping softly white,
Now ruddy, blushing in the sunset's ray;
Till silently absorbed in growing grey
She vanished—wrapt in close-encircling Night.